Mobilizing Your Healing Power

Mobilizing Your Healing Power: Discover Abundant Healing Energy

by James Kwako

Mobilizing Your Healing Power addresses the whole person body, mind and spirit. It draws upon the experiences of thousands of patients, scientific studies, professional observations and personal insights. The uniqueness of this book is that it encompasses a holistic view to medicine and healing. Our body, heart, mind and spirit each have important roles to play in our overall well-being. Within each of us are layers of function from the concrete physical to gradually increasing subtle levels of resilience, creativity, love, wisdom, strength and joy.

After a brief discussion of causes of disease and principles of healing, Dr. Kwako divided this book into four main sections. For physical health there are chapters on nutrition, exercise, energy, the use of supplements, hormones, and sleep. For emotional health there are chapters on stress, relaxation, relationships, and resistance to healing. For mental agility there are chapters on memory medicine, enlightened approaches to work, exploring the meaning of dreams and increasing intuition. For the spiritual aspects of healing there are sections on communing with nature, prayer, meditation and the afterlife.

Mobilizing Your Healing Power is written to show how the finer attributes of life are integral parts of our everyday world and the energy of healing. Goodwill, kindness, compassion, courage and cheerfulness are real energies that can be learned and shared with profound healing effects. We are each meant to grow into higher elements of our self-awareness and self-expression to make a healthy contribution to the lives of those around us. This book will help you learn how to take care of yourself, promote self-healing and add to the healing of others. Abundant healing resources are ever present within us and around us. Are you ready to find them, activate them, and transform your life with vibrant healing energy?